Monday, February 12: A new year and a new season of racing and it’s fitting that the forthcoming Grand Prix of Indonesia should set a considerable milestone for the UIM F1H2O World Championship.
The opening round of the 2024 championship has been moved to March 1st-3rd and will be the 300th race in the glorious history of the world’s premier canopy racing series. It is a championship that has taken racers to nearly every corner of the world and seen world champions crowned in the modern era from the United States of America, Wales, Italy, Finland, France and Sweden.
Teams will race in Europe, Asia and the Middle East this season but, over the course of the last 30 years, the series has visited venues as diverse as Dunaújvẚros and Budapest in Hungary, Cardiff in Wales, Johor Bahru and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Lahti, Tampere and Helsinki in Finland, Sattahip Bay in Thailand, London, Brandenburg and Stralsund in Germany and Moscow, Kazan and St. Petersburg in Russia.
In addition, racers have braved the water conditions in Corfu in Greece, Austria, Ireland, Turkey, Portugal, Belgium, Brazil, Ukraine, Latvia, India, South Korea, Singapore, Poland, Bulgaria and numerous cities and diverse race courses in Italy, France, China and the Middle East.
The Grand Prix of Bình Đinh, Vietnam will be added to that list as yet another new venue for round two of the 2024 series on March 29th-31st.